Construction on the section of the D35 highway between Hořice and Sadová is proceeding according to the planned schedule. This year, the Hořice roundabout, the new local road leading to Libonic, including the sidewalks from the roundabout towards Hořice and Libonic, were put into operation - describes the events in the section, which is 10.5 kilometers long, ŘSD spokesperson Petra Drkulová. Construction began last fall.
In the first half of 2025, we plan to put into operation the relocation of the road I/35 near Vinice, including the new connection to the road III/32522 Třebnouševse, as well as the sidewalk. At the end of the summer, the III/32513 road will be relocated from Klenic to Horní Černůtek, and the section of the D35 highway between Hořice and Sadová will be completed in December," promises Petra Drkulová on behalf of the investors. In order for the section between Hořice and Sadová to connect to the for the current first-class road, the builders have to build a 1300-meter section between Sadová and Plotiště The construction started in September this year. The 7.5 kilometer section, which is connected to the D11 highway, has been carried out so far. The construction workers suspended the work on Monday, January 6 they return to the scene.